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We will review the measures requested by the Ombudsman’s Office that we adopted from the Ministry to guarantee protection of the life of Social Leaders: Mininterior 

We will review the measures requested by the Ombudsman’s Office that we adopted from the Ministry to guarantee protection of the life of Social Leaders: Mininterior 

The protection of the lives of Colombians is the fundamental objective of this Government. Popayan, Cauca. August 25, 2022. @Mininterior. The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, will attend the early warnings number 19 and 20 of the Ombudsman’s Office...
MinInterior urged national and regional entities to convene Departmental and Municipal Councils for Disaster Risk Management due to the rainy season phenomenon. 

MinInterior urged national and regional entities to convene Departmental and Municipal Councils for Disaster Risk Management due to the rainy season phenomenon. 

The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada Gil, led a meeting to monitor the La Niña phenomenon and preventive measures in conjunction with the Minister of Environment, High Counselor for the Regions, National Unit for Disaster Risk Management and IDEAM. Bogota,...