About Us
The Directorate of Legislative Issues is a mission direction belonging to the Vice Ministry of Political Relations, comprised of a group of integral, ethical and competent Law and Political Science professionals committed to good governance, administrative efficiency, transparency and social responsibility, devoted to develop the necessary actions to strengthen the relations between the State Government and the Legislative Branch, and to promote the legislative initiatives of the Executive’s interest.
What We Do
The Directorate of Legislative Issues supports the Minister in the coordination of the State Government’s legislative agenda before the National Congress in order to strengthen the relations of the executive and the legislative branches by tracking and promoting the legislative initiatives of the Executive’s interest. Likewise, it coordinates the political control that the Legislative enforces over the Minister.
Our dependency is divided in two groups that contribute our strengthening:
Filing Group
It is responsible for tracking the submittal, study, discussion and approval of the Legislative Draft Projects and Bills of Law submitted to the National Congress. In this section you may find biweekly reports on the status of Bills of Law and Legislative Actions promoted by, or which are of interest of the Interior Sector. If you wish to obtain further information on the filing of the bills of law which are currently being processed in Congress, please visit the following links:
Political Control Group
Coordinates with the Interior Administrative Sector entities, and with the State entities that so require, the submittal of responses to questionnaires and summoning of political control, which the Minister must respond at the National Congress.