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El Pintal, Caldono, Cauca. October 12, 2022 @Mininterior. The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, accompanied the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, at the closing of the Political and Cultural Minga for the Defense of Life, Territory and Peace in Caldono, Cauca. 

The National Government reaffirmed the importance of working to build total peace throughout Colombia.

“We cannot waste a minute of the time of change, we cannot deconcentrate by fighting and killing each other. We have to build peace within ourselves to build peace in Colombia,” the head of the Political Portfolio said.

In addition, the high official recalled and invited all Colombians to attend the regional binding social dialogue meetings to build a collective vision of the north of Cauca.

“It’s the only way to build a path to total peace that includes the unity of the north of Cauca and internal peace,» pointed out MinInterior.