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Bogota. August 19, 2022. The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada participated in a meeting with the governors of all the departments where they discussed issues of investment, health and tourism, as well as the winter wave that the country is experiencing.
The Minister of the Interior announced that they will work quickly on the elaboration of risk maps, since there are only 12 municipalities throughout Colombia with risk maps to manage the winter emergency, which may reach the impact level of those in 2010 or 2011.

“Surely within the next few hours we will initiate the call for plans of PMU in all coastal municipalities that may be threatened by the winter wave, precisely so that we may prepare risk maps to handle the emergency throughout Colombia,” pointed out the head of policy.

On the other hand, Prada announced that the governors presented their priorities on investment issues and noted that in the last year and a half of government in the departments and the first year and a half of the government of President Gustavo Petro, they plan to work together.